Involves injection of multiple drugs via a vein to cause complete loss of consciousness, and loss of awareness of any procedure / surgery taking place. A "GA" can last anywhere from a few minutes to many hours depending on the surgery being performed. I monitor you closely to ensure your safety throughout this period.
Involves injection of local anaesthetic similar to that commonly used in dental procedures to cause numbness / loss of sensation of pain to an area of the body. This includes injections near the spinal cord (spinal or epidural block), near the eyes, or injections adjacent to the many nerves in the body (nerve blocks), usually using ultrasound guidance to optimise accuracy and minimise discomfort.
Involves using similar medications to general anaesthesia, but in smaller doses. The patient is made to feel more relaxed and comfortable, but may still recall some or all of the procedure. This is commonly used alongside regional anaesthesia, or where a minor surgery is being performed with local anaesthesia, such as excision of skin lesions, cataract/glaucoma surgery, and some dental procedures.
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